Thank You For Being A Part Of This.
There was a time when I considered daily posting on social media a complete waste of time and energy.
I'm not saying that I now think that it's always the best use of those resources, but I've received messages from individuals who've read my musings, thoughts, and ramblings (cos, let's be honest, sometimes they are) and let me know that they appreciate them.
I'm sure they don't mean ALL of them.
But I get the impression that a couple here and there stood out and meant something to them, perhaps speaking to their situation at the time.
And it's cool to also have heard that some of these posts have been making their rounds in Chat channels on Whatsapp.
I find this particularly amusing, because it sounds like I've somehow attained the status of a "Good Morning" message.
I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Anyway, thank you for letting me know that I'm not just talking to myself, happy as I often am to do so.
More importantly, thank you for assuring me that these thoughts and ideas have been useful to you in some way.