We Hate Pain and Change. But A Baby Step At a Time is Better Than Staying Stagnant.
It doesn't take a crisis for people to change the ways they do things.
Yet, because most people are comfort-seeking and pain-avoiding, we tend to prefer staying where we are.
Unfortunately, that also means that when a crisis does hit, things go south really quickly.
But this isn't a doom and gloom post.
You don't have to change what you do.
You just have to change the way you do it.
And it doesn't have to be a huge change. A little step at a time.
In some ways, the target of this post is me. I'm far from an early adopter, and a frequent friend of analysis paralysis.
Even so, I've slowly and steadily begun my journey into digitilisation and accumulating assets online - for my workshops, thought processing, and outreach efforts.
And look, here's one of them. Thank you for being part of it.