May This Be a Month of Possibility and Reflection
May has ever been a month of possibility and reflection.
It is so close to the middle of the year, that it feels like a good time to look back upon the preceding months. It is also far enough away from the end of the year that it feels like a good time to recalibrate and refocus for the months to come.
I have spent a great deal of time on pursuits I probably shouldn’t have. And in the midst of them, I have also stumbled upon things I wouldn’t have otherwise.
So I look towards the future, with an eye still on the past.
I will process that latter anchor, that I may unfetter myself from it, and fully invest myself in that which will bring my intended future closer.
To all who are in similar straits, not so dire yet not so calm, do the needful and then lean forward. The sails will take you where you have to go.